ECU Full-Scale Exercise

Operation Hillop

On behalf of East Carolina University, we thank you for your interest in volunteering to be a simulated casualty / bystander for our preparedness exercise.  By participating, you are providing necessary realism for the responders.  Without your assistance, this exercise would not be possible.

The drill is scheduled for Tuesday, December 18th, 2018.

The time you should report to campus will depend on how much time you are able to commit.  Please see the liability waiver for more information.

In order to participate, the liability waiver must be filled out!

Upon checking in, you will be given a lanyard with a victim actor card.  This card will include your pseudo-demographics and symptomatology.

The victim actor briefing will take place at 8:30 am, after which you will be placed within the incident site.

The exercise will start at approximately 9 am.  Depending on your time commitment, you may be asked to (1) evacuate the building immediately, (2) shelter-in-place and be escorted out by law enforcement, or (3) simulate an injury and require triage and transport to Vidant for an additional exercise component.

When your part is complete, you will be asked to check-out .  Return your lanyard and victim actor card, fill-out a feedback form, and pick-up any personal items left with staff.

This exercise is Rated M for mature audiences; participant discretion is advised due to the violent nature this exercise.

Scenario: Active shooter, mass casualty, bomb threat

  • There will be ‘gun shots’ fired from simunition weapons; all responding law enforcement will be put through a strenuous weapons check to maintain a safe environment for all exercise participants.  Depending on assigned location, some victim actors may be asked to wear hearing and eye protection.
  • Some victim actors will be made-up to look like they have gunshot wounds, lacerations, or broken bones.  These victim actors will be transported to the hospital for a secondary exercise hosted by Vidant.  These victim actors must commit to up to 5 hours.
  • Victim actors will be using Run / Hide functions of the Run-Hide-Fight sequence.
  • There will be tactical weapons and equipment used throughout this exercise.
  • We will have up to 6 professional photographers and videographers that will be on the scene documenting the exercise.  The majority of the footage will be used for training purposes of responding law enforcement.  A limited number of photos or video will be used in educational / awareness documents for the University.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Environmental Health & Safety (

Review the Run-Hide-Fight web page for emergency procedures related to an active assailant.